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Bessatsu Kadokawa Souryoku Tokushuu Kalafina768 viewsRelease Date: 2015-02-28sprinterXkyrie     (1 votes)

Kalafina V!NYL SYNDICATE vol.23 - 7412 viewsKalafina in a free magazine called V!NYL SYNDICATE, featuring as models for the brand SEX POT REVENGEPhantomus     (1 votes)

Kalafina V!NYL SYNDICATE vol.23 - 6392 viewsKalafina in a free magazine called V!NYL SYNDICATE, featuring as models for the brand SEX POT REVENGEPhantomus     (1 votes)

B.L.T. vol.10 - 2251 viewsKalafina featured in the magazine B.L.T. Voice Girls vol.10Phantomus     (1 votes)

KERA April 2010312 viewsKalafina in April 2010 issue of KERA magazine with Kanon Wakeshima and KANON.Kerahna     (1 votes)

Keiko in KERA Feb 2010740 viewsHer beauty secrets include KERASTASE hair treatment, and ESPA body oil.Kerahna     (4 votes)

KERA - Keiko963 viewsFrom KERA September 2009.admin     (7 votes)

KERA - Keiko946 viewsFrom KERA September 2009.admin     (7 votes)