Most viewed - Kalafina |

Hikari no Senritsu LE636 viewsHikari no Senritsu LE coverKerahna

Red Moon LE636 viewsCover of limited edition Red Moon album.Kerahna

Progressive Official e-Poster635 viewsFor the days leading up to November 2, Kalafina posted one syllable of the "secret password" to enter on their main site for claiming this prize. The password was "progressive" and yielded three sizes of this wallpaperKerahna

Fairytale632 viewsfrom the fairytale shoot. From left: Wakana, Hikaru, Keiko.Kowz

Kalafina goods624 viewsGoods for Kalafina live 2009.Kerahna

Kalafina in WenWeiPo624 views

Kalafina Note - 35624 viewsKalafina Note 5days in LOS ANGELS & symphonia - booklet which was included in the "After Eden" albumPhantomus

October 2009 - Anispa radio show622 viewsKalafina with DJs at the Anispa radio show.Kerahna

Kalafina Special Site618 viewsWakana, Hikaru, and Keiko during the fairytale video shoot. Found on Kalafina Special Site.Kerahna

"Consolation" Live Event617 viewsaki
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