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oblivious283 viewsFrom official site, when the singers of Kalafina were still unknown ^^aki

Kalafina blog post 10-11-10 by Keiko282 viewsYuki88

FictionJunction282 viewsAnime Expo 2012
from animate.tvaki

Keiko281 viewsHikari Furu profile picaki

Kalafina Note - 27280 viewsKalafina Note 5days in LOS ANGELS & symphonia - booklet which was included in the "After Eden" albumPhantomus

Kalafina Note - 37-38280 viewsKalafina Note 5days in LOS ANGELS & symphonia - booklet which was included in the "After Eden" albumPhantomus

Yuri Shinada (Yuri Kasahara)280 viewsfoto from Yuri's facebook pagePhantomus

Kalafina Note - 36279 viewsKalafina Note 5days in LOS ANGELS & symphonia - booklet which was included in the "After Eden" albumPhantomus

Achilles to Kame event278 viewsYuki Kajiura at Achilles to Kame event.admin

Keiko278 viewsAfter Eden Live 2012
from Oh-Newsaki

KERA (Magazine)277 viewsKalafina in the Aug 2011 edition of "KERA" magazinePhantomus

Kalafina Blog 2012.11.28277 viewsKalafina at Madoka movie promotion, surprise live of Hikari Furuaki
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