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Progressive Official e-Poster
For the days leading up to November 2, Kalafina posted one syllable of the "secret password" to enter on their main site for claiming this prize. The password was "progressive" and yielded three sizes of this wallpaper
Keywords: Kalafina keiko wakana hikaru progressive

Progressive Official e-Poster

For the days leading up to November 2, Kalafina posted one syllable of the "secret password" to enter on their main site for claiming this prize. The password was "progressive" and yielded three sizes of this wallpaper

Red20MoonE5889DE59B9EE79BA4.jpg 01_e585a8e593a1.jpg kalafina progressive special.jpg KalafinaE3808CE58589E381AEE6978BE5BE8BE3808DE5889DE59B9ESECL836EFBD9E837.jpg fairytale.jpg
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